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One more thing...


Do you wish you had even more cool activities for your students?

If you always want to add clever and fun activities to your lessons, sectionals, or ensemble rehearsals and always feel like you run out of time, check out the Music Teacher Monthly!

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Music Teacher Monthly is a subscription email newsletter delivered on the 15th of each month.


Each edition contains creative activities that teach subjects such as music theory, history, world music, and team building in hilarious, memorable ways.

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Such as...

  • Pumpkinhead Posture

  • Thanksgiving Menu sectional warm up

  • Halloween Costume Rhythmic Dictation

  • Studio Family Tree Research Project

  • Ornamentation Station


...and a whole lot more!




KE Creative is not responsible for any extra giggles, memories made, or increasing your status as "the cool teacher." 


(Actually, we are, and we're totally cool with it.) ;-)

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