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Friday, October 28th 11am ET
(via Zoom)
A LIVE workshop on recruiting new students for your private teaching studio!
Is recruiting private students not going so well for you?
Do you feel totally in the dark about the best way to recruit new students?
Do you find yourself with a few too many openings in your private studio?
Join the KE Creative team on Friday, October 28th at 11am ET where we share the tried and true ways we've helped music teachers recruit students for their studios over the past 5 years!

Here's what we'll cover...
1. Getting to know you(r why)
2. Identifying your dream students
3. Location, location, location
4. Showing up in your community
5. Your Vibe
6. Presenting Yourself to Parents
7. How to leverage social media
8. Rethinking the Private Lesson Paradigm
9. Q & A
Upon registering, you'll immediately receive this 10 page guide that's a game changer for practicing!
Send it to your new students' parents, and you'll LOVE the response and results.

Meet Your Mentors

Dr. Katherine Emeneth
Founder of The Music Teachers Playbook, KE Creative, and the Georgia Flute Academy, Dr. Katherine Emeneth is the go-to musician for studio building and entrepreneurship. Using methods she's developed over years of teaching, Katherine knows exactly how to build a studio from the ground up, breathe new energy into an already existing studio, and kick things up a notch so you are living a musically fulfilling life!

Dr. Laura Zabanal
A member of The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, KE Creative's wordsmith and copy write conjurer, and private flute teacher, is there anything Dr. Laura Zabanal can't do? From understanding how to structure your time to writing clear and confident studio polcies, Laura is the go to flutist to help you feel confident is your career as a musician and a private music teacher!

Anamarie Diaz
With a passion for music education, entrepreneurship, and personal finance, Anamarie Diaz knows exactly what it takes to take on a career in music. Also known as The Financial Flutist, Anamarie helps musicians learn personal financial skills and educates private music teachers on setting up their small business financially. She is your go to girl for any and all things money related!