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Check out the past issues of Music Teacher Monthly
The January 2023 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Etude Challenge!
I always get behind in working out of students’ books going into the holidays. This year, I’m hosting an etude/book challenge for my students!

Ensemble Activity
New Music Hedbanz!
This is a great activity to get students jump started on their new concert music for the new year. It’s fun, educational, and a great activity to work as a section.

Bonding/Craft Activity
3 New Year Activities!
Ok, I went a little crazy with this section this month. The three activities are all about setting goals as a group, setting resolutions and learning from the past year, and a Snowball Catapult Trivia game.

The Lunar New Year
Students will listen and learn about the Lunar New Year celebrated in many Asian cultures as well as the music and instruments used in the celebrations.
The December 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
I love reviewing ornamentation in December with students. So thematic! This month’s ornamentation activity includes a handy printable with lots of common ornaments students will encounter in their music.

Ensemble Activity
Co-play Holiday Edition!!
The rest of the band or orchestra will be wondering what the heck you guys are doing when they hear laughter coming from the instrument storage room or wherever you teach sectionals. This month, I have a simple yet effective activity based on easy holiday melodies to help students learn how to be great section mates!

Bonding/Craft Activity
Holiday Party!
If you’ve never had a studio holiday party, now is the time! I’ve included some of my students’ favorite activities and games that we’ve done in the past.

The Nutcracker
Students will listen and learn about this classic ballet so the next time they hear it out and about, they’ll be able to show off their musical knowledge!
The November 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Pumpkin Posture and Teaching Gratitude!
Tired of saying, “keep your head up!”? This is a great activity to remind students of how to carry themselves. PLUS! November is a great time to teach gratitude. This gratitude activity is fast and simple, but can be a game changer.

Ensemble Activity
Pass the Pumpkin and Thanksgiving Food Extended Techniques!!
The rest of the band or orchestra will be wondering what the heck you guys are doing when they hear you making some crazy sounds. This month, I have a hilarious game to share with you as well as an opportunity to work on extended techniques and creativity.

Bonding/Craft Activity
Thank You Notes, Yam Races, Floating Feathers
That title alone should have you intrigued! These 3 activities will have your students smiling and bonding in no time.

Aaron Copland’s Appalachian Spring
Time to work in some music history! This printable is all about Aaron Copland and his piece, Appalachian Spring. Students will learn about the “Simple Gifts” melody and about this famous American composer.
The October 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Audition Armor​
Everyone gets nervous, but there are ways you can coach and help your students through getting SO. NERVOUS. This is my preferred method of teaching students about performance anxiety. It’s a great month to teach “anti-scare tactics.” See what I did there? ;-)

Ensemble Activity
Scary Scales and Pass the Pumpkin​
Break out of the usual major scale warm up with this fun activity that reviews minor scales and gets students playing spooky melodies for warm up! Instructions for a super easy and fun game to liven up sectionals is also included. You’ll be the rockstar sectional coach when you show up to school with a pumpkin under your arm.

Bonding/Craft Activity
Water Symphony​
This STEAM-based activity will have your students laughing, bonding, and taking the idea home to compose music themselves! Who knew water bottles would be so much fun?

Storytelling Through Music and Image: A Night on Bald Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky
Learn all about Mussorgsky’s spooky orchestration and have your students watch fun videos!
The September 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Let's Make A Plan!​
It’s the beginning of a new school year, so it’s the perfect time to start your students off with a studio challenge! Here are several different ways to run a studio challenge that are inclusive and provide that little fire that many students need to get them back on track!

Ensemble Activity
Anatomy Class!​
Did you know that most students really have no clue what you mean when you ask them to take a “belly breath” or “extend your fingers from your palm?” Take the time to review essential parts of the body with students so they actually understand what you’re talking about.

Bonding/Craft Activity
Make a Shape!​
This is a fun activity that will have students working together either in person or online! You can use this activity for team building as well as to review musical symbols. It’s easy and fun!

French Dance Music in the Court of King Louis XIV​
We’ve all heard, “Oh! A Gavotte! I think I’ve already played that solo!” Time to clear alllll of that up! This printable explains the French court dances and demystifies why multiple pieces are called “Gavottes.” Different French Court dances are explored with recordings and sheet music examples of each!
The August 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Theory Review​
Have you ever noticed how even if you teach key signature identification and construction to students, they forget how to do it when you return to review it again? This is a great time of year to incorporate theory review into your lessons!

Ensemble Activity
Write It Out​
Sometimes, it’s easier to just write out what you want the students to play instead of breaking apart a phrase and telling them what to do. Learn how to save tons of time in sectionals by doing 10 minutes of prep work.

Bonding/Craft Activity
Start of School Party​
If you don’t have group activities in your studio yet, this is a great time of year to try it out! Studio parties are a great way to get everyone excited about the next school year, review some important concepts, and have a little fun. I’ve included 4 of my go-to activities for studio parties.

Woodstock Music Festival, 1969​
Many kids have heard the word “Woodstock” before, but very few actually know what it was or why it was influential to music and American culture. Here’s a quick printable that you can share with students about the music festival that includes some specific songs that would influence music history. Plus, they can talk to their grandparents about it. ;-)
The July 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Rhythm Wrangle​
It’s incredible HOW FAST a student’s skills can become rusty! This activity will help students keep their tempo, rhythm reading skills, and scales in tip top shape over the summer.

Ensemble Activity
Follow the...Basketball?​
Yep. This activity is perfect for marching band camp. It’ll add some humor to your sectionals while working on fundamental skills for students. Plus, who doesn’t love bouncing a ball?

Bonding/Craft Activity
Painting Sound​
If you’re hosting a summer camp or workshop for your students, this is a nice and quiet activity that keeps kids moving, engaged and learning! Use this activity to teach an important piece in your instruments’ repertoire. Be sure to take lots of photos afterwards!

American Martial Music and the History of “Yankee Doodle”
We all know the tune "Yankee Doodle" but do you know the history behind it? Learn all about it here!
The June 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Instrument Karaoke​
One of my favorite activities for students at the end of the year is to have them participate in Flute Karaoke!
It’s our way of celebrating a great year, practice sightreading, and have a little fun.

Ensemble Activity
Call and Response, Add a Note, Who Played it Better?​
For this month, I’m sharing some of my go-to activities for sectionals. Instead of having everyone play the same thing over and over again, use these activities to keep them on their toes, get them more comfortable playing by themselves, and have that team spirit!

Bonding/Craft Activity
The Bowl Game​
This is a really easy game to play that is great for reviewing composers or prominent people from music history. It’s kind of like the game “Two Truths and a Lie,” but you get to pretend you’re someone else!

Celebrating Juneteenth & Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing
June is a fantastic opportunity for your students to learn abut Juneteenth! Explore the hymn "Lift Ev're Voice and Sing" known as "The Black National Anthem"
The May 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
A Walk Down Memory Lane​
May is a great time of year to review all that your students have accomplished! Print out this time map and review your lesson notes, audition results, or recital participation to show your students how much they've accomplished this school year.

Ensemble Activity
Spring Sting​
Let's be honest, sectionals can get a little boring for us and the students if we just keep doing the same ol' things. Spice it up with this fun and engaging ostinati activity that works great as a warm up!

Bonding/Craft Activity
This is one of my favorite review games! This activity requires very little preparation and will keep students engaged and interacting with one another for a long time.

May the Fourth Be With You!
May is the perfect time to talk about movie music, specifically, Star Wars! This printable shares basic information about movie music as well as leitmotivs and the leitmotivs used in Star Wars. It also has tons of links to videos and other enriching resources.
The April 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Family Tree
If you haven't shared with your students all of your teachers and their teacher and their teachers, now is the time! I include an easily editable family tree as well as worksheets that you can tailor to your own family tree.

Ensemble Activity
Popcorn and Scales with Lizzo!​
Spring is a great time to "clean up" students' technique. For this month, I include 2 activities you can do during sectionals that are fun and get the job done. Editable Finale files included!

Bonding/Craft Activity
Flip the Tarp and Rain Storm!​
Looking for a great bonding activity? Look no further! This month I include TWO activities that I've recently done with my students that are big hits!

Beethoven's 6th Symphony​
Here's a great printable complete with reflection activities that you can hand out to your students this month. Beethoven's 6th symphony is great to learn about this time of year. Students can hear how Beethoven wrote in a thunderstorm. Print this out, send it home with the students, and have them come back to the next lesson ready to discuss!
The March 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Compound Meter Review!​
6/8 always seems to stump students. Since St. Patty's Day is right around the corner, it's a great time to review 6/8 and learn about Irish Dances!

Ensemble Activity
Since Uilleann Pipes are known for their drone, March is a great time to introduce students to what a drone is and how to improvise. Get them away from that paper and make them explore!

Bonding/Craft Activity
My students LOVE Pictionary. I thought it was a blast from the past when it came to board games, but they all knew what it was and how to play. It's a great activity to do online or in person.

Irish Investigations!​
I don't know why, but students typically LOVE playing Irish tunes. They're so sing-songy! Instead of just sightreading them, print out this explanation of the instruments used as well as how the music is written. Form, texture, and other musical elements are also included. A great time to review these important concepts!
The February 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Valentine Sentiment Rhythmic Dictation!​
A "sweet" way to practice rhythmic dictation. Your students will especially love that they get to keep the candy!

Ensemble Activity
Pass the Note!
One of my favorite ways to teach teamwork, analytical listening, and body language.

Bonding/Craft Activity
Pass the Bag​
This is a great way for students to practice their creativity, review musical topics, or just have fun!

Valentine Vignettes!
3 famous love stories about composers written in a student-friendly format. Listening examples included!
The January 2022 edition includes...

Lesson Activity
Practice buddy clothespins!
Learn 4 different ways to use these practice buddies to help students practice more effectively.

Ensemble Activity
2 great review games to play with small or large ensembles. Review important concepts from the first part of the school year to start the next semester strong!

Bonding/Craft Activity
Therapeutic Snowflakes!
This is a great winter group activity to take away some of the stress of the new year and preparing for auditions.

2 of my favorite practice charts! Great for starting the new year with new goals. Includes editable templates to make your own!
The November 2022 edition includes...
Lesson Activity
Holiday tune rhythmic dictation activity with variations.
Sectional/Ensemble Activity
Seasonal food rhythmic warm ups and polyrhythm exercise.
Bonding/Craft Activity
Snow people triads with 2 other activities and variations.
The REAL history of "Jingle Bells."