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Co-Host Nathalie Simper

Like many classical musicians, I dreamed of performing in an orchestra, teaching at a fancy university, and running my own private music studio. I went to performing arts grade schools, got the right degrees, and I began to see how my dreams and reality were different.
After grad school I regularly performed with local orchestras, gigged, landed a college job, and taught private students all while holding down a 9-5 job because being a full time musician was a scary thing, even though I was already doing it!
Once I took the leap to full time musicianship, I was stuck in the burnout cycle and crashed every few months. I finally woke up and realized that I needed to build a sustainable music career so that I could enjoy life in and out of my career.
Several years later, I am doing WAY more than I used to, but instead of burning out I'm enjoying being able to perform, teach, and now coach other musicians to build sustainable music careers!
Co-Host Katherine Emeneth
I'm a musician who has always been a teacher, and I figured out a way to make teaching private music lessons a dream job for myself and others.
While working towards my doctorate in flute performance, I built a private flute studio to "practice" my teaching skills before landing the "dream job" as a full time flute professor. This was the third new studio I had built, so I was already a seasoned professional. After countless applications and interviews for higher ed positions, guess what happened.
No glory job.
Sound familiar?
Then, I woke up.
I realized I already had everything I wanted: I was teaching flute, playing flute, making a HIGHER INCOME than I would teaching at the university level, and I was my own boss.
I taught myself all the business skills I needed to make my studio GO. I rolled up my sleeves and made the lesson experience for my students and myself unbelievable.